Friday, April 10, 2015

Burps, Kisses, Snuggles & Screams

The title of this post pretty much sums up my life as a mom these days.

Luckily for us, Brody has taught himself how to burp (can you sense my sarcasm!) So... ALL DAY LONG, he is burping.  Not really loud burps, but just consistent burps, over and over and over.  We have been having lots of discussions with him about how burping is a rude habit, and one that I'm hoping he'll break... hopefully, sometime before dating age!

There really isn't anything sweeter than kisses from adorable, loving children. Little reminders that they, despite the chaos and frustration, still very much love you.  HOWEVER, Wyatt has taken the kissing to a whole new level! I mean, he's kissing us all day long.  Mostly Audrey, who screams after he's hit the fourth of fifth kiss.  But, his kissing spree goes on to annoy his brothers, and frankly, I even have to tell him he's reached his kiss quota for the day (and if you think I'm a mean mom, well I won't argue with you on that)!  And, don't even think about wiping away those kisses! He caught me once.  Luckily, I quickly told him I was just rubbing the kiss in so it would go to my heart faster.  His face lite up.  He loved that!  Now he rubs the kisses in, and tells us he's just making them go to our hearts faster.  Today, I had a conversation with him about kissing and germs, after watching him kiss the car.  This is a habit I also hope he breaks before dating age!

Almost every night Orin asks for snuggles.  Sigh. By the time it's bed time, I'm completely done. I need solitude and silence. However, I dig deep and always lay down by the kids and snuggle with them for a bit.  It always ends up being my favorite part of the day.  On the days when they ask for snuggles and I think I just don't have anymore of me to give, I try to remember that these moments won't last forever.  In the not to distant future, they will think they are too old to snuggle with their mom... and just thinking about that makes my heart ache. 

It's nothing new that I hear screaming on a daily bases.  We've been working on inside voices with one of my children in particular since forever.  So it's not too surprising that Audrey has joined in on the screams.  She is very loved... ALL DAY LONG! I don't think five minutes can even go by before one of her brothers are touching her! Tapping toys on her head, carrying her around, hugging or kissing her, putting their mouths on her ear, messing with her toys... the list going on & on! I know when she's had enough, because she has a specific "leave me alone, you annoying brother" scream... I hear it all day long.  To quote Brody, "I just can't help but touch her. She just has so much cuteness." 

There you have it.  My life as a mom in four words.  Do I love it?  Ask me when they're sleeping.

The black & white one is a older... but just shows their personalities perfectly!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Simple Act

My sister-in-law is an angel! 
Today was just one of those days.  
A day like many stay at home moms might encounter.
 Waking up already tired, cleaning messes that don't stay clean, making meals kids refuse to eat, disciplining & reprimanding then being told "I hate you, mom!", kids not listening...
 the usual. 
I've also taken on a challenge of making a slipcover for my "new" Craigslist Crate & Barrel rocker I just got for the nursery. Since I've now learned what a zipper foot is, and was able to sew a bumper pad with piping, I guess I figured I could handle a challenge. So as I dealt with my day as a mom, a 33 week pregnant mom I might add,  I also tackled my slipcover. With TED talks playing on the background, (I've been going through this list) I tried to fight off the negative thoughts that kept popping into my head today. 
"You are not an experienced enough sewer to do this."
"This probably won't even turn out right."
"Why did you think this was a good idea."
"Listen to how those kids talk to you! You are really failing at this mother thing."
"Why haven't you taught your children to listen & obey better."
"You look so frumpy & huge. You really are letting yourself go."
"Why aren't you able to be more on top of things & keep up with all the chores."

You get the idea. 
By now, you are probably feeling a bit depressed. And, may be thinking why is she writing this down. Well, let me get back to the cupcake. Just a simple gesture from my thoughtful sister in law made my day. Not just because her cupcakes are divine, but because it reminded me that someone was thinking about me. 
So many of the themes in the talks I could see in my own life or see where it could be applied.
Desire for connection
Take risks & realize mistakes are okay
Fake it until you believe it
Realizing children's individuality & not hindering their creativity
Inspiring those around you by believing in what it is you do
And always giving to others

There are so many "angels" around me, and I hope to remember that in days like today & everyday that I can try to think of someone else... And even better, do something for them. 

My slipcover a third of the way complete. Imperfect. Just like me. And that's what makes it perfect.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Keeping it Real

Today the boys & I spotted a coyote! They were very excited & wanted to call someone to share this very exciting news! After not reaching their dad, they thought Papa would appreciate knowing they had seen a coyote, and got a big surprise when It was Uncle Matt on the other end. This is what I love about Matt... He keeps it real. Between my boys & my brother there is a lot of honesty going on. 

Brody: "Uncle Matt, you are Cookie Monster. You talk funny." 

Matt: (when he sees me) "You got a big zit! Are you okay, Darcy? You look tired. You know what, don't have any more kids. It's too much. (A little late now) Listen. I give you advise. You take a nap today, okay." 

There it is. Just good old fashioned truth. I do have a huge zit, am super tired & just came from workout group. Probably should have listened to his advise about not adding to the chaos, but I'm 14 weeks pregnant... Even Matt knows that's craziness. And, oh how I wish a nap was in my near future. So, if you need a little humility, I can give you Matt's number. He always has lots of good advise... He accepts cheeseburgers for payment! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I'm a Mother! And, I love it!

Warning: brag post ahead! 
This Mother's Day weekend was pretty perfect. It started out with my parents coming into town (after having my brother stay with us for the week).  Friday night, the boys headed off to the annual Father Son's camp out (minus Wyatt)... even my dad & Matt went, which was impressive considering my dad's idea of camping usually involved a travel van with a TV and bed in the back! I must admit, this weekend is a highlight for me!  One advantage of having all sons! While the boys camped, ran around with their headlamps, swam & played at the beach, my mom, Wyatt, and I went to Cafe Rio and then shopping!  I had wanted to update my key shelf, and we found cute knobs & then fabric to make maxi skirts... which are two things that I have been longing to accomplish forever! The next day, we worked on the shelf and then more shopping (where I picked out a few Mother's Day gifts for myself)! The boys returned exhausted, and the little boys were just so excited.  It was so fun to see how much they LOVED it.  They are lucky to have such a great dad.  My mom kept asking me questions about what they would be doing on their trip, and I just kept saying, "I don't know.  All I know is that they will be gone."  Shawn is so amazing at just taking care of thing (although, he did not take ONE picture... and they left in such a rush that I didn't get one before they headed out!)
My parents left Saturday night, and the next morning the boys started Mother's Day off with breakfast in bed... French Toast with whip cream and strawberries.  The best part of this for me is not the food (although it was amazing), but the look on my boys' faces when they bring breakfast to me. They are just beaming. These are the moments as a mom that I want to just bottle up and keep for later. 
The boys then sent me on a scavenger hunt to find my gifts.  Having previously purchased some gifts for myself & helped the boys wrap them for me (which Ory noted that it wasn't very fun that I already knew what I was getting... maybe I'll just let them surprise me next year?!)... I figured that I was just going to find those gifts.  Orin & Brody gave me clues like, it rhymes with play, meaning it's in the playroom. Umm, okay.  But after finding the shoes and dress, there was still more! See's candy with my favs, chocolate almond & California Brittle, and a bike! I'm always talking about wanting to get bikes for the family, so this was very thoughtful!  After the presents, it was a whirlwind to get ready for church.  The boys went up to sing with all the other primary kids, which is always so cute & often funny... especially when one of your kiddos is picking his nose.  I taught the primary children about prophets and their mothers, and then got a break from teaching and sat in the women's class... which is where I consumed most of my Dove chocolate that was passed out to the mothers.
After church, we had a simple lunch and then I let Shawn take a nap first since he hadn't recovered from the sleepless camp trip.  The older boys played left-right-center with me and then I was able to talk to my brother via Facetime!! The timing was perfect and it was really fun to see him. 
Shawn tagged me for a nap. Yay. Some hours later, I awoke to an amazing smell!! Tri-tip, mashed potatoes, salad, Texas toast. YUM! We ate, and then went for a family walk.  The night even finished off with watching one of my favorite shows, Once Upon a Time.  
So there it is.  An incredibly detailed description of a pretty perfect day.  
As a mother, not everyday is perfect, but the love I have for my boys is... and that's enough.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Best Kept Secret

My brother Matt is here visiting us while my parents are in Hawaii! Yay! Not only is he hilarious & thoughtful, but he has told me he's here to help me. So far today, he's swept twice, cleaned the backyard, playroom, cleaned & vacuumed the boys' room, brought me glasses of water & watched Brody while I took a TWO hour nap! (I was soo exhausted from Wyatt waking me up at 4:30 in the am & then driving 9 hours yesterday! Matt was so cute, he stayed up talking to me.  We talked about favorite movies, favorite foods, Matt's on and off girlfriend, Bridget. It was very sweet of him!) Even Wyatt got to sleep extra long, because Matt was here to stay with him! Ten days are not long enough... I think Matt is my parents' best kept secret!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Just a normal day

I took this picture today because...
 1. We had just picked Orin up from school & today was his first day back after spring break, so we were all excited to see him! He was missed today! I love getting to hear about his day at school.  Not that I usually get much more than him telling me it was good, but still one of the highlights of my day. He got this class picture today and was naming off all the kids in his class.  Memories flash of the classes of my past.  Names & faces of former students whose lives I was a part of.  As I look in my rear view mirror, I am reminding that the faces I see are my own little students & I am still a teacher (the pay is just a bit different)! 
2. Looking at Brody, I just can't help but smile & laugh! He's wearing my coat & a headlamp! He is always wearing some sort of costume piece (a few hours earlier he had on a baby bib he had found). Hard to ever get too down, when you have these little personalities there to remind you that life is good. I had seen one of those videos lately on Facebook about a mom reminiscing about how fast time goes by & how her kids are grown.  She mentioned reaching out for their hands to cross the street... Until one day there was nothing but air.  With as fast as time seems to be speeding along, I need to take their hands (usually dirty & sticky), kiss their little cheeks (even though they wipe away my kisses), stop to listen to what they have to say even when it's the same question that's being asked over & over, and snuggle them in their beds... Because I know that is something that they will definitely out grow!  Sometimes I need reminders to stop and enjoy the everyday.
3. Wyatt is hugging (and flipping) his baby around.  A few months ago, he discovered this baby in the playroom (which someone left at our house years ago).  He loves to carry it around. Sometimes he wants to change it's diaper, sometimes give it spanks, or put it to bed.  He's such a rough & tough little boy that it's pretty cute to see his soft hearted side.  I has been reading the LDS parenting manual (my mom found a copy & had been telling me how good it was) & it was a good reminder to me that these three little boys that I have stewardship over are someday going to be husbands & fathers, providers for their families, and it's my job to help teach them (luckily I have a dang good partner for this task- who is an excellent example).  So as Wyatt holds that baby, I think, one day... in the very distant future, he'll be holding his own baby... What do I need to teach him before that day?

These are my thoughts on this normal day.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Card/Letter 2012

For our Christmas card/letter I had the idea of having it book themed, centered around the books that defined our year, so of course, a library was the perfect location!  I envisioned a picture of us sitting together reading, not realizing that my husband would think this was totally lame (he did it anyway).  Each year I think I'll start earlier, maybe even book a professional photographer and every year... I last minute ask one of my talented friends to snaps some pictures for us.  This year felt like a real photo session, thanks for my wonderful friend Johanna.  I have learned to go into photos with my family with zero expectations, but the boys did pretty good, and even had a little fun.  So my vision all came together, with outfits we already had (I just sewed up some bow ties with fabric I already had) and my amazing friend/sister found my dress at a thrift store! I absolutely love it! Maybe next year, I'll actually write the "Christmas Letter" before Christmas, instead of in February... we shall see.
AND... here's some reality!