YEE HAW!!! A few weekends ago was Stagecoach Days! Now that I am a very official Banning resident (I now know way more people than Shawn... which is a little weird), I always look forward to Stagecoach days. We took Orin to his first rodeo (which was absolutely freezing and I don't think he enjoyed too much), but it was Melina's first time too and it was fun! Then of course Saturday morning was the parade... about 5 of my students were in it... it's so cute to see how excited they get when they see me in public- I always thought my teacher's lived at school, so I try hard to explain that I have a life away from the classroom!
The weekend we blessed Ory was the weekend of the Ward Luau... which we all look forward to all year long! Who can't resist good food, great music, Tahitian booty shakin, and half dressed, sweaty boys!!! Good times!!
Wow... time is moving fast!! I can't believe we haven't written in a month! I started work september 17- hense the excuse for not blogging! It was really hard!! the whole week before I felt like my heart was breaking, but we're all getting adjusted and Orin is with Melina so he is very well loved and taken care of. But I still miss him... he's just too cute! Orin was blessed on September 23rd, and so was baby Randy. Both our parents were there and my sister... it was soo sad to see them leave and I was sooo excited from Orin to meet his papa!!