1. Where did you and your husband meet? We first met in King Henry apartments in Provo, Utah. I was in Randy Mart's, Shawn's brother, freshman ward. So my sophomore year, Shawn and I both lived in King Henry. We have different times that we remember meeting each other. Shawn says that he remembers meeting me when I came over to his apartment to see Randy... but I don't remember him then. I really remember hanging out with him with my cousin and his friends... we hopped the fence to go hot tubing at Belmont. The Banning boys were arguing about how to lose weight or something... so typical!
2. First thing said? I don't know... I guess we just got introduced to each other, again... not too memorable! At least not for me... that is so sad huh!!!
3. First date? Well our first date was is January 2002. Shawn called me up and we went to dinner and a movie with his newly married sister Jenny and her husband Ifo. I was a little intimidating... Ifo played for the BYU football team and ordered the monster burger at Red Robin... he thought it was way too small!! :) We then went to Ocean's Eleven (I had already seen it). After, we went back to my apartment... which was totally awkward!! We sat on separate couches and talked a little. Our next date was a YEAR later!!
4. First kiss? On our second date... keep in mind this was a year after the first... so we had been friends for a year! We went shooting and to Black Angus for dinner. Then we went to my apartment and watched Blue Crush... I think I pretty much made the move- Shawn had a cold sore, but I didn't notice... so he says that's why he wasn't making the move first! :)
5. When "I Love You's" were first said: Again I'm pretty sure I was the instigator on that one... Shawn's a slow mover, but he had liked me much long and so I was pretty confident he felt the say way! We were at the trailer and I'm still the one that says I love you more!!
6. Long or short courtship/engagement? As you can see... it was stretched out: 1 year from 1st to 2nd date, 1 year till we were engaged, 5 1/2 month engagement.
7. Where did you get engaged? We got engaged February 2004... I was student teaching... students brought in flowers... each one with a note, it spelled out will you marry me and then Shawn came in got down on his knee and asked me if I'd marry him! It was so cute and he even gave some one a camera so I could have pictures! So thoughtful!
8. Where were you married? Redlands Temple, June 5th 2004... it was an incredible day! I loved it!
9. Where did you go on your honeymoon? My parents gave us a Mexican cruise for our honeymoon!! It was amazing!! :) We went for a week and traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta... we even got a balcony room.
10. Where did you make your first home? Our first home was Shawn's grandma's trailer. It was great because it was just a few blocks from the school where I was teaching and it was really inexpensive. It had been quite the bachelor pad before that though!!
*I'm at my mom's visiting, but I'll have to put up some pictures of Shawn and I when we were dating when I get back!
Okay ladies, I am passing on the tag...so I want to hear Melina, Chelsey, Jen, Theresa, Lynn, and Emily's love stories... and everyone elses:)!!!