Sunday, October 5, 2008


I am finally blogging... seriously, since I've started back to work the days turn into months!! Time is flying... Orin is now 14 months and a wild man. He loves to climb, stop his feet, scream (happy and sad screams!!... especially when i don't let him play in the toilet... I'm so mean!!), he still loves to be read too, watching yo gabba gabba, and trying to carry around our tortoise Bob!! He started walking a few weeks after he turned one, so now he's practically running around trying to keep up with his older cousins.
Last month, seriously September flew by, I went to my cousin Whitney's wedding... it was amazing. She was gorgeous and it was a dream wedding, they are such a cute couple!! Then my mom came and babysat ory for a week!!! Shawn parents and sister Jenny were here to visit and my dad came last weekend... so it's be really fun having family around! Ory is really spoiled to have such amazing grandparents on both sides!!! I'll have tons of pictures to share... soon, hopefully before next month!! :) Here is one i took this weekend at Hershel's barn. We've been getting peaches from there and they are incredibly good!! Ory doesn't usually like peaches (he likes almost everything else though!!), and Shawn made some wonderful peach pie tonight!! Also coming soon... Stagecoach Days 2008- we had a fun weekend with Randy and Ashley and the Summers- Happy Birthday Johanna!!! :)