Okay... so it's obvious I'm just not so good at this blogging thing... I'm one of those who would rather talk than type... and it's always in the back of my mind in the "to do" category (along with organizing, cleaning, grading papers!) But I'm hoping my friend
Erica can help me give my blog a little pizazz!! :)
Anyway, I'm a little behind. Here are some ups and downs that have happened since... hummm... December!!
Ups: 2 week vacation, Christmas with Shawn's family, watching Ory open presents and play with cousins (he got lots of balls, a guitar, a basketball hoop and a ball set... he's like his dad, into sports & not toys). Discovering that he is terrified of Santa (even when Santa was his grandpa... this is a genetic trait! Jake and I both have character phobias... Chucky Cheese, Disney characters... Ory is following suit!) Oh, and yes, this is an up... like my dad, I too secretly love torturing my kids!! Spending time with my family in Vegas! :) New Year's Eve party @ Kenny/
Johanna's: karaoke, Rock Band, great food, dancing! :)
Downs: Having to go back to work! Finding out around Thanksgiving that Shawn didn't pass the BAR.

Ups: Not sure where this fits, but my 19 year old brother came to live with us (hence the major decline in blogging!!) Celebrating his birthday, watching Ory learn and grow... starting talking more- loved to yell the word BALL and say please. Watched Shawn and other guys from our ward play basketball almost every Friday night & then to McDonalds! Having my parents come out to visit & for their scrapbook convention in Anaheim... I love checking out all the new scrapbook product! Going to the
Children's Discovery Museum on my day off. Ory loved painting on the car and exploring... it's a fun place!
Downs: Ory stopped saying please and started saying "ssss." Watching the boys lose some of their b-ball games!

Ups: I turned 27 (again where does that fit). House hunting and finding a house we liked (6 down from Kenny&Johanna) . Getting Presidents week off and getting ready for the baby to come. Buying our first washer and dryer off craigslist.
Downs: Shawn had to retake the BAR! Dealing with a shorts sale and not getting the house we liked (this could be an up... keep reading). Discovering our washing machine will cost $1600 to repair... not such a great deal after all!! This month was a blur... my mind is drawing a blank!

Ups: Getting a
house (video for my parents) and getting a great deal! Brody is born and is a beautiful healthy baby boy!! Orin is wild and crazy, but fun and learning more and more words each day! Going to the Pottery Barn outlet... only an hour away!! Having my mom come to help with the babies. Having Johanna help organize my house.
Downs: Moving and having a baby the same day (again could be an up!) Having to have another C-section, but really having a great recovery!

Ups: Loving being on maternity leave!! :) Visiting Shawn's family in St. George & seeing Jenny & Ifo's family there too. Watching Ory hunt for Easter eggs (he opened one up, became full of excitement and said, "Money!" Shawn & I didn't even know he knew what money was!! :) Enjoying being in a house and having laundry!!! Watching Brody getting bigger and bigger and loving being with my boys. Bob (the tortiouse) coming out of hibernation.
Downs: Having my brother leave. Bob running away the same day!

Ups: Brody's &
Luana's blessing day...Having my dad, brother Matt and mom come to stay with us... my dad painted a ton (pictures coming soon)!!! He's amazing! Matt was hilarious and I really loved having them here. My mom made me cute pillows and we would go shopping. Went to the Circus with the Summers fam! Ory loved seeing the animals, especially the poodles who did what Orin calls "cool tricks." Went to
Morton's for Mother's Day (they are having a deal!) Got spoiled with all the extra help! Hung out with my cousin Emily & her cute kids. Getting a new tortoiuse (Bob II) from the vet clinic.
Downs: Shawn didn't pass the BAR. Bob II ran away the same day!

June: (so far)
UPs: Enjoyed all the end of the school activities... field day, 4th grade promotion (cried again when I talked about my 2 special award for students-so embarrassing-guess that's a down! :) Still loving Ory's stage where he learns & talks more and more... likes counting to himself in the car. Cooking with Ory and being free to go to the park and pool and working out. Wonderful anniversary (I'll post on that too!) Decorating and painting and thinking of painting!
Downs: Poor Shawn is stressed about studying! Kids keep tagging our back fence... thankfully Lynn sent us some blackberry bushes and we are working on getting those to grow! Thanks Lynn... you are so thoughtful!