Well I guess I'll go way back to Thanksgiving! We had a really nice time at the Wilson house (Shawn's boss). Mason and fam, Randy and fam and Kenny and Johanna came. The best part of the night was that Hershel bought them a train they could ride on. They had a blast!! Ory was even able to figure it out on his own and it was a really nice Thanksgiving. I have so much in my life to be thankful for!! :) I truly am blessed: to have 2 wonderful boys in my life and ANOTHER on the WAY!! (Sad I'm just now mentioning it, and I still haven't taken a picture, so i'll get to that!), an awesome job and great friends at work; amazing family, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and so much more. I feel so blessed each day! :)
Watching the Parade
Riding on the Wilson's train
*I'll put up more pictures when I have the patience... It has taken like 2 hours to do one!! This is why I haven't been blogging!!