Saturday, May 26, 2012

Candyland Party!

When Wyatt was just a few months old, I was playing Candyland with the older boys and thought that a Candyland themed party would be so sweet (get it... I'm such a dork).  I think throwing a big first birthday is a fun way to celebrate a baby's first year (see here and here for my other boys' parties).
My original card design was just Wyatt, but then we combined with my niece, since her birthday is only a few weeks after Wyatt's birthday... why not double the fun!

A few weeks before, (yes, I'm a procrastinator) I started jotting down and looking into ideas.  I wasn't aware that there is a newer version of Candyland, but I wanted everything to look like the version I remembered playing as a kid!  I had seen a tutorial on balloon lollipops, which were perfect!  Instead of using the wrapping paper tubes, I used PVC pipe and that worked great.  I skipped the glueing step, but shouldn't have (running out of time).  I also could have done these the day before.  Now I know.  I had the colored squares going up to the house and the little gingerbread men as greeters!

Melina, my sister-in-law, has a very talented neighbor who did an amazing job on decorating the cakes!  Cakes are definitely not one of my talents, so I was happy to leave it up to a pro! 
Their individual cakes were adorable, too.  


I have some seriously cool friends!  While talking about some of the details of the party with my brother  and sister-in-law, I mentioned that my perfect party would have people dressed up as the characters in the game.  Well, she told her sisters and... they were totally down for it!  My friend Johanna, and Anna Marie (who is Pua's aunt) were also willing to play a part in making my Candyland game come alive!  The other characters I painted and were a part of the game or area in the yard (except Lord Licorice who had technical difficulty with his licorice wig)!  It seriously made the party!

With so much going on, I kind of just let the kids go around and do whatever.  There was the Plumpy ball toss (which the little boys loved).

Gumdrop Pass was a path I made out of left over pavers that went under the trampoline.

But pretty much the kids just jumped on the trampoline, because... that's way more fun!

As they come out of Gumdrop Pass, they were in Peppermint Forest, where they played Peppermint Ring Toss. (Just PVC pipe and red duck tape)

Of course, my lovely Mrs. Mint was there to help run the game! 
(she even supplied the candy canes... love her)

Okay, I know what you're thinking.  Grandma Nut was not that gorgeous! Well, ours was!  She walked around passing out candied nuts to the kids. 

I figured I might as well utilize my dirt (future garden site) as Molasses Swamp for Gloppy.

Princess Lolly was there to look cute and pass out lollipops to the kids.  Her costume was adorable! Love that Carrie girl!

Nia was the perfect Queen Frosting and she looked amazing! 
She ran the Ice Cream Sea ice cream sundae bar.  

Those two were not so sure about their cakes!  And Wyatt refused to look and take a picture with me.  

Melina was the one that baked the cakes.  I loved that she made the layers different colors.  It's all about the details! :)

Typcial Shawn picture.  He didn't really even want to sit next to me while we opened presents, but since his brother was sitting by his wife... I wanted the same! :)

The party was so fun, and we felt so blessed by the gifts and support people gave us.  Although, I must admit... doing big parties reminds me why I don't do parties for each of my kids, every year.  
Got to space it out... but I do love to party.  
And, we had two very special kids to celebrate.  It's hard to believe that he's one.  The year has gone so fast, and he has been an absolute joy.  I love you, baby Wyatt guy!

Side note:
A party is never complete without themed music! Here was the music we played as the kids when around Candyland.
Candyland- Six String Story (found it on iTunes to the tune of John Mayer's Your Body is a Wonderland)
I Want Candy- my version is from a Halloween mix
Big Rock Candy Mountain- Tom Chapin
Candy- Mandy Moore
Good Ship Lollipop- The Persuasions
Sweetest Thing- U2
Lollipop- Chordettes

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wyatt is ONE!

The day of Wyatt's actual birthday, I tried to snaps some pictures of the day (which was pretty much a typical day at our house).
Wyatt started off his birthday with a little greeting from his big brothers.  If the boys hear him in the morning, they like to hop in his bed with him.  Which he usually likes, until they pester him enough that he starts to cry for me or Shawn to rescue him.

This face makes me morning happy!  I don't think there is anything better than seeing a smiling baby reaching out his arms for you to welcome him to a new day. 

The big boys helped me make waffles for Wyatt.  They made sure to add "colors" and sprinkles, just for that special touch. Wyatt loves breakfast.  He always wakes up hungry... it's definitely his favorite meal.

Playing in the playroom is typically where you will find Wyatt, playing with cars or chasing after a ball.  

 At one, this boy still doesn't have ANY teeth (or hair for that matter)! But he is finally teething, so to help him be a little happier (not that he's even that bad), I have been giving him popsicles... and he is a huge fan.  He's just starting to take steps, so I'm sure he'll be walking soon.

Wyatt's day is never complete without some bugging from Brody. Everyday. All day. Drives us both crazy!

I still remember getting that preliminary ultrasound and being told that he thought it was a boy, and thinking, "Ahh, man. Again!" But, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.  Wyatt has been such a joy and the perfect addition to our family.  He has made the adjustment to being a stay at home mom, and mother of three boys a lot easier!  He is very loving and happy.  Wyatt, we love you!

Here are some things all about Wyatt:
*eggs, popsicles, bananas, milk (especially his bottle), ice cream cones, popcorn, and rice.  (He's actually not too picky)
*playing with balls.  He could throw and kick balls all day long.
*looking at books and play with cars.
*to say GO.  It was his first word... he uses it when we hold him, or when his brothers are bugging him! He can say mama, dada.
*sleeping... likes to nap and likes his bed.
*to give hugs (to us or stuffed animals and real animals especially)
*dogs and animals (and loves to hug them)!