Orin loves the show Wild Kratts, so when it came time for his birthday he was adamant about having a Wild Kratts party (it's a show on PBS kids where two brothers go on animal adventures). Since his birthday is in July, we thought it would be a lot "cooler" to have a Wet & Wild Kratts party!

This is my first attempt at a birthday cake for my kids. Yes, you heard that right... I had yet to make a birthday cake for any of my children... until this one! I am blessed with a lot of talented bakers around me, so I just figured I'd let them do their thing! But, I thought I should try to make one... and the sea wave texture of the frosting was something I thought I couldn't really mess up!
I saw this tutorial on how to make a watermelon shark (it was super easy), and we served octopus hot dogs, blue jello aquariums, sea salt chips, fishy crackers (as my fam calls them), Swedish fish, a the kids each got shark fruit snacks as a party favor. Pretty simple!
Seal slip-and-slide, followed by crocodile tag!
Water Jellyfish pinata.
(I used some real balloons and not water balloons, but they did not pop as easily... but, fun watching the kids try)!
Underwater fish diving.
(Brody was obviously not happy about other people getting his fish)
My parents just happened to be in town, so they were put to work! (Shawn's parents had been there too, and saved the day... they helped get everything ready). Some kids were getting snow cones, as other kids were diving for fish.
Piranha Toss.
My dad was telling the kids to hold the milk cartons up to their mouths or eyes... he's such a tease!
Wyatt decided to get in on the action & hop into the drink tub!
Shawn enlisted the help of my brother Matt, to bring out Orin's surprise present! Not sure who was more excited about it, LOVE Matt's expression!
The boys had been planning and plotting to ambush Papa... it was actually what they had been working for in the Choose the Right jar (more on that another time, maybe). Serious squealing was happening and my dad was such a trooper!
Happy birthday to my Mr. Ory-o! We love you so much, and are so lucky to have you in our family. You make life fun & full of adventure.