Saturday, November 5, 2011

Soccer Mom

It's already time for next season soccer sign-ups, and well I'm just now blogging about Orin's last season, which was his first time playing an organized sport.
He just barely made the cut off (by a day), so he was pretty young on the team (and I needed to remember that... the kid had just turned four).
I realized that I was totally being one of those crazy mom's screaming at their kid on the sidelines.  Not even to score, but just to pay attention and listen, oh and to not tackle the kids (our kids on the team kept doing that, wrong sport little boys)!
Orin's first game was hilarious!  He was so loving all of us yelling his name and cheering for him.  When the other time scored, he was so bugged (see pic below).

Shawn and volunteered to be the Team Mom, I team manager, so that meant that we, I mean I, got to do the team banner.
I had no clue what to do.  I used felt and after a little sewing, lots of cutting and fabric glue I came up with this...

I thought it wasn't bad for my first soccer banner.  There was an AYSO soccer banner contest, and I thought I had a chance. Nope.
Didn't even get second or third in the five year old category!  Aaarrrr!

Monday, October 24, 2011


 To finish off our wild and crazy "Bar Fest" weekend, we blessed Wyatt at our church, and Puanoe (our niece) was blessed the same day too!  

I truly do feel blessed. 
Wyatt has been such a fun little addition to our family of boys! He's adorable and a sweet baby.  I just can't get enough of him. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


During the week before our "Bar Fest" (which of course had nothing to do with alcohol :) we headed down to San Diego for a little vacation with my parents.  The first day we went down to Coronado Island and walked around and enjoyed a little beach (well my kids and I did, not sure if my dad did... he got a little burned, which then required sunscreen at Sea World, which then caused a nasty eye irritation to the sunscreen, series of unfortunate events). 

We then went to Old Town.  I love going there and pretty much think every time I go to San Diego I make it there.  The have redone the Mormon Battalion center there and it is really impressive.  You start by watching the narrators talking to you in picture frames (seriously Disneyland quality) and then you move through different rooms and here the story.  At the end the kids got to pan for gold, use a water pump, stack up adobe bricks, and they even have a photo booth set up.

(Brody is willing to try on his military issue Mormon Battalion gear... Orin, however, would not... he was quite shy, which seemed a bit out of character)

(Brody does not look entirely happy about the fact that Papa was trying to show him how to properly pan for gold)

We then ate at Old Town Mexican Restaurant which was perfect, cheap Tuesday tacos, score.  And once we made it back to the hotel my kids of course had to swim for a bit... it was quite the day.

The next day, Shawn and my brother Matt met us down at Sea World. (My mom has pictures on her camera). My kids LOVED it and I think their favorite things were seeing Shamu, riding the little rides, and feeding the seals (courtesy of Uncle Matt who got hooked up with a few extra fish, cause Matt seems to always get special treatment, everybody loves Matt).  Journey to Atlantis was fun, Shawn was too big of baby to go! :)

We loved getting away for a bit! Thanks mom and dad!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


It all become "official" Tuesday, July 26th when Shawn was sworn in as an attorney.  It was ironically the first day of the California Bar exam!  A date we normally would dread!  Mason & Melina came with us and we celebrated by going to Cheesecake Factory (yummy! love their Banana Cream cheesecake)! We were so glad they could be there, yet again for us, since they have been so willing to sacrifice and help our family over these past few years. 
 Anyone need an attorney? 
I know a good one! :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

BAR fest 2011

In honor of Shawn's passing, Pat & Hershel (Shawn's boss and his wife) hosted a TWO day EXTRAGANZA!  Cause well, a LARGE celebration was definitely in order! 
Friday's party
The first night was completely family themed.  Pat & I came up with some fun games for the kids, complete with prizes: Patriotic Walk, Fishing game, Cornhole, Lawyer Relay, Sack Race, Ring Toss, bead bracelet craft, BINGO...  like I said it was quite the fiesta! 

 Pretty sure Brody ate about eight bags of Cheetos... he kept asking different people to get a bag! That boys loves him some Cheetos!

Saturday night:
The second night was more for clients and adult family.  We served New York steaks and sides!  If was so nice to just get a chance to remember that Shawn did actually pass (I have had to keep reminding myself) and to spend time with our family and friends, who without their love and support, we wouldn't be where we are.  Both sides of our families were almost all there and we both feel blessed to have "Won the parent/family lottery!" Our family is truly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives and are very grateful to Shawn's boss and his lovely wife for all they have done and do for us! 
 and YAY for Shawn! 

 (Okay I'm almost through blogging about the BAR... but it's been a large part of our lives these past few years... so it's worth some bloggin' about!)
P.S. (The invited I designed can be viewed here!)