No baby yet! We had an appointment this morning that told us nothing except that we have made no progress towards birth. Our Doctor is leaving on vacation this week so we have an appointment set for Monday morning with a different Doctor to set a time for inducement, if we haven't had him yet. So the first home remedy besides walking that we have tried is the Green Curry from Trader Joes. It ha only been a couple of minutes since she slurp a bunch of it down. So I guess we will be testing the advice given to us by Lynn Westbrook tonight...hopefully it will work and there will be some news in the morning. Thanks for all those who have tried to help us out with suggestions.
Personally I loved being induced. I had the whole day to prepare myself! Hopefully he will come before then though! Call me soon!
You aren't supposed to eat it. You're supposed to rub it all over your belly! Just kidding, the phone call to Dr. Lynn about how to administer was funny though.
But on second thought I think it was the red curry that shook Miles out. I took one bite and thought yuck. Then 30 minutes later he started his appearance. But the green one tastes better. I gave both to a friend and I think she used the green.
But I agree w/ Chels. Inducing is not bad. I was the first time but you kinda want to just let things happen, it's nice to have a story about where you were when it started and all and stay at home for a while. Don't worry, they'll only let you go over like two weeks :)
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