Saturday, September 15, 2007

beach baby

Last weekend was Orin's first trip to the beach! We went to Oceanside with Mason, Melina, Randy and Ashley and some families from our ward. It was a really fun day... but it was definitely not the same as our baby free trips. Life's now a constant worry... is he too hot, too cold, is the sand on him, wind hitting his face... but I wouldn't trade it for anything! Orin was looking pretty stylish in his little beach hat! Check out those cheeks!


sara said...

I love cool dad shawn with the baby. we have to see that baby soon. the next sunday we are out in banning, maybe we can stop by. take care.

The Reed Family said...

Hey Darcy, motherhood is treating you well...Hey I am coming to Cali in October while Emily is out and I thought it would be fun if we could all get together and see each others kids. Anyway have a great day!!

Lynn said...

going anywhere will never be the same again. even when you get a chance to leave them you still never really get away. but who wants to?

make your next beach trip a hawaiian one. it's neither too hot nor too cold :)

Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

I love reading your blog!! I get to watch you and see how it is and then try and prepare myself for what's to come!! You're a good one to watch because you're still having fun and you love being a mom!! and dad:)

Brittany said...

hey the beach looks fun. Hopefully you guys will be able to come out with us in a few weeks. You guys are so cute and I love all the pics.

alise said...

Hi Darcy, it's alise westbrook, I can't resist watching a beach slide show! you guys are so cute!! Fun seeing you with that little guy.

Gloua said...

you guys are so cute!!! i miss you guys so much!