We're finally back to blogging!! What a crazy... fun month we've had!! We have had something going on every weekend this month, which just makes life full of fun! We went to Disneyland (I haven't been there since I learned my ABC's..., but I've been to Disneyworld tons of times, so it was fun to compare!) It was such a wonderful weekend and we stayed at Dave and Chelsey's!! I swear she should open a bed and breakfast... I can't remember the last time I woke up to the smell of bacon!! They were such wonderful hosts! We went to the beach where Shawn tried to surf!!! It was fun to spend time with the Naef clan, we miss them tons :).
Nani turned ONE!!! Yeah... she is such a cutie!! That same day we went to the pumpkin patch twice, once with Nickie and her adorable girls and then later with Ryan and Jen and Randy and Ashley. I just love the fall... apple cider, pumpkins, and fall leaves, (which I miss HORRIBLY!!!)
Halloween was full of chaos... but with 31 fourth graders, I just embrased it! Orin was a monkey and I was his zoo keeper. The weekend before we went to Sara and Kit's house for a Halloween party and it was so much fun!! We dressed up as the USA world champion tennis doubles team or something like that!! Shawn did a good job getting together our costumes with in a few hours. So that was our fun filled, busy busy month and November seems to be just as jammed pack!!