So I've been trying to take pictures of Orin for weeks now... he's already not cooperating during my "photo shoots!" I thought they were suppost to be easy to photograph at this age!! Notice the stink face, he gets that from his aunt Jenna!! :) He's growing up soo fast. He giggles and grabs at things... he loves to take out his binky, but doesn't quite get it back in himself (he's gotten it back in upside down though)! Whenever we put him on the ground he moves his legs and arms around like a wild man... I think he'll be quite the mover!! He's just soo much fun!
just darling! you guys did good. btw, alyssa did the same thing, & she's all over the place!
He is sooooo cute!! I love that age. They smile and interact with you, but they don't move. Its great.
I just can't get over how cute he is! I love the last pic with the dirty look on his face. Just be thankful he still looks in the direction of the camera. Love ya.
baby boys are the best!! What a little sweetie.
WOW- I can't get over how stinkin CUTE he is!!! I LOVE his facial expressions. How much does he weigh? Madi is such a light weight!! So glad we can be blogging buddies now! :)
He looks like his daddy in the "grumpy" picture.
Orin is adorable Darcy!!! Cute pictures!!!
I love a little man in a polo shirt :)
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