Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Birthday... to my hero!!

Today is a very important person's birthday... my dad!! I have the greatest dad ever... He has always been there for me (literally, he's job was so flexible most of the time he was home :) He has always been such a good listener and talker!! He is a wonderful role model, patient and caring!! And most of all, he is an incredible grandpa!!! I am such a lucky girl!!


Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

That is a cute entry!!! Dad's are the best!! Jen might come out on Wednesday so I wanted to see when you get off work and if you wanted to hang out??!! Let me know- Have a super day!!

Blake and Meg said...

You are sooo beautiful!! It is so fun to look at all your photos. What an adorable little boy! Let's get our little ones together. Molly is 7 months old, but she can go for a younger man, lol!


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