Friday, April 25, 2008


Shawn finished his last day of law school yesterday!!! I'm so proud of him for how hard he's worked the past 3 years!! I love you babe!!
(this is a picture of him on the first day of law school... cute huh!! :)


Christine said...

Yay for Shawn! Now I can sue anyone I want for free.

emilyy said...

Congrats!!! Good luck with the bar.

Brittany said...

she better love you know that your gonna be makin all that money

Fong said...

Yay Shawn! For graduation, the office got you a new computer! They are coming in to put it up today. Exciting stuff.


Jen said...

Three cheers for Shawn! I remember that last day of law I wish we could go back! Good luck with the Bar! It was SO much fun to see you guys in UT. I hope we'll get to connect soon!

Ben said...

Yes, very cute.

Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

Congratulations!!! That must feel nice:) Thank you for the gift card!! It's already been used!!:) and the donuts and for coming to the breakfast!! You guys are great friends!:)

Anie said...

WOW- CONGRATULATIONS Shawn!!!!! That's gotta feel SO GOOD to be done. Are you guys moving?? Will you be teaching next year?? We've still got 2 more years! I envy you!! :)

Christine said...

Hey Shawn, I just randomly ran across a blog for Grant Bascom, wasn't he your friend when you were a teenager? Its

sara said...

i can't believe the three years are over! the only problem is that we won't see smiles like that again until after the bar is over.