the 1st nelson sister missionary!! Sister Nelson is in the MTC!! It was soo hard to say good-bye, and I still have to remind myself I can't just pick up the phone to call her... I miss her like crazy, but I'm so proud of her! I realize that although I need my sister, there are people in Germany and Austria who need the gospel and frankly what a cute little spiritual messenger she makes!!

my 1st time cutting my hair shorter then my shoulders! I'm loving it!! :) Chelsey did an amazing job as usually... thanks Chels! :)
I LOVE both yours and Jenna's hair. You both look like hotties. (I guess I shouldn't call a missionary a hottie.) My mom sent me jenna's letter it was so cute to read. She really is going to be a wonderful missionary.
Love the haircut, I was thinking of doing something similar this last time, but I wasn't brave enough! So cute!
Darcy you a full blown hottie. I love the hair. I agree Jenna is going to be an awesome missionary.
dang..you're one hot mama! and one brave mama. can't wait to see you this weekend! my sister served a mission too, it was so sad for me, but good for her...it's were she met her husband, and gained many great experiences.
You look fabulous as always!!
Cute hair!!!! Hot momma!!! I can't believe your sister is in the MTC...how old are we???? We move in August and then we will have your family over!!!
I love your hair! I wish I had a hair stylist that was a friend like you do! Its really cute!
hey Darcy -
I met you at the Summers house (Owen's birthday party). We were visiting and checking out the vet clinic there. Anyway, I found your blog through Dana Lee and thought I'd take a peek and say hello. Loved the pictures you took at the party. And your hair rocks! :)
Your hair looks so cute! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
Well you make the haircut look good because you're so cute! I really love it on you!
Your hair is super cute and I think that your sister is the cutest sister missionary that I have ever seen. Is that even allowed..haha. You make me want to cut my hair. Hope I get to see you soon.
cute pics. yours looks like a senior portrait - did shawn take it. you should get wallets made up. and an 8 x 10 for your mom.
brittany is right - it is illegal for a missionary to look that hot. oh well, there are worse reasons to convert.
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