Hmmmm... think I left off somewhere around July: in one word: ADVENTURE!
Starting in late June... the boys (meaning my lil men) and I ventured off to Utah (luckily Lindsay came along to help). We spend a few days with my wonderful in-laws: playing in the water in downtown St.George
hanging & partying with glenna
Ory was so scared of the scooter... so unlike him! I had to laugh
My boys loved spending time with their grandma & grandpa Patterson
Our next adventure brought us to Zions National Park with my family!
It was a blast to hike and enjoy the GORGEOUS red rock!
Ory loved throwing rocks in the river with his Uncle Matt & Papa... laying on the rock with Nana telling stories.
Brody just hung out, just taking it in/sleeping!
My dad & I even got a chance to hiking a ways into the Narrows, which I've always wanted to do & it was breathtaking- my kind of hiking-cool, involves water, not a lot of hills- however, we realized that you need some good footwear... my dad twisted his ankle a bit (luckily I didn't have to attempt to carry him... that would have been interesting!) My brothers & Lindsay hiked Angel's Landing. Lindsay was ready to go, wearing vans... without socks mind you! After they left, my dad was talking about the intensity of the hike and I had a complete fear for her... but should have known that the girls a Westbrook... she could handle it!
(just proof they made it alive!)
Adventure #2... Sedona Arizona!
The Nelson fam decided it was time to venture from our Florida vacations and try some place new! Wow! Sedona is AWESOME! Everywhere you looked was red rock cliffs. We spent most of our time at the pool.
Ory learned to "swim" (jump off from the stairs and glide a little underwater until I'd catch him... but still a start). He would say, "Ok, I'm brave!" and then jump in. Brody even swam a little too. We would pretty much swim in the morning... wear out the kids... put them for naps and then the best part for me... my rad brother Matt would stay with the sleeping kids while I'd read my book by the pool! :) Probably my absolute favorite thing to do!! We would get 50 cent McDonald ice cream cones,
walk around the town
going to the park
hang out @ the timeshare with the uncles
visiting Slide Rock which was definitely a highlight
we went late in the day and I was too much of a baby to go in the cold water, but it looked fun! :)
Another highlight was this:
YEAH RIGHT! That thing was right out side our door... actually it was a bit intriguing and reminded me of my early years in Vegas putting lizards in my pockets and holding the neighbors tarantula!
No... a highlight was the Fourth of July. We headed to the town right next to Sedona for fireworks, free hamburgers, blow up kid bouncers (whatever they're called), live music! I was totally amazed that that little town provided so much for free... so PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! (much better then BNG canceling their firework show this year... boo!) Anyway, we had a blast and Ory LOVED the fireworks and Brod just hung out! :)
and Kyle & I had fun messing around with photographing the fireworks!
...and the adventure will continue (this will be quite the process! :)
I am so glad your back! this is such a great way to keep in touch with people far away!
With the popularity of Facebook, I think blogging has taken a back seat. It used to be the only way to see how people were doing was for those people to update a blog. Now pictures and statuses in Facebook often do the same.
Thanks for sharing, it was fun to see what you guys did last summer! I envy your photography skills. Your boys are darling, and I now want to go to Sadona!
so glad you're blogging again. Sedona looks awesome. I might just have to convince to take a family vacation there.
p.s. you are a VERY photogenic person!
Your family vacation looked amazing!!! I'm so glad you did a recap on your summer. I look forward to reading about all you did in the Fall, no pressure!
love, love, LOVE the pics! my fave is with orin & your bros. on bed watching! so cool to read about your summer through the gorgeous pics you took darcy! you're very talented:)
Wow! I wasn't expecting to get to spend so much time on your blog! I admit I was a bit confused about why you were "floating" in Idaho in February but I'm glad you picked up where you left off. You have too many great photos not to!
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