My day as a mother (which started @ 4 since I went back to work today... I'm sad). Sitting at the dinner table. Orin: "There is something in my nose." Me: "Well stop picking it all the time!" We blow his nose... nothing. He's watery eyed and picking his nose and snorting. Nothing.
Ten minutes later, I am loading the dishwasher and Brody comes by, swipes two knives and runs off, jumps on the couch laughing as I chase him (and yell danger, danger!), then chucks the knives (luckily missing anything/anyone. (Put Brody in his crib and tell him that's dangerous).
Go to check on Orin (who was sent to use the bathroom). He's sitting on the bathroom counter, holding a noodle. "Oh mom. It was a just a noodle up my nose!" Nice! We did have noodles for dinner...
Head to pick up Brody from his crib, he's crying: "Hug, hug, hug!" (He does not like getting in trouble!
This scene took place within a 20 minute window... it's only 5:30. When is bedtime?
(a pic taken last month... first of all to show you how much bigger my kids are & I can't blog without pictures, and to show you their little personalities!)
By the way, did I mention we are having ANOTHER BOY in May!

We had or I should say have had a girl name picked out... I find boy names so hard! However, we do have lots of boy clothes, toys, room, etc... so in that we are ready to go!
Orin has thought of some nice names: Golf, Craft
Mason's suggestion: Rufus
Does anyone else have any suggestions?
P.S. I really do LOVE being a mother! Does anyone else have days, I mean, hours like this? :) Oh, and I am excited to be pregnant...
Also, I fully intend on back blogging... have lots of tidbits and pictures to share... but we'll see, I seem to have my hands full!
Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys!
Darcy- Congrats on baby boy #3! How exciting! Spencer swears we're gonna have 3 girls in a row. I'm not pregnant or anything- just always wonder what's in store for us! And just so you know- I have days like this EVERY day! Boys might be crazy and have lots of wild energy, but girls are so much stinkin drama that there's several days I'm loosing my mind by 8am!! Hence another reason I want to wait for a 3rd one! :) Your boys are adorable!
Congrats, when we have an other I would love another buy and have three boys like you! Good luck on going back to work and hopefully one day you can stay home with those sweet faces!
I only have one baby and yes I have days like that! Like the other night, when I got peed on and thrown up on. Bedtime really is my favorite part of the day... sometimes. :)
SO excited for another little boy. You are so good with them! I have lots to learn from you. Hope to see you soon.
heaven KNOWS i have days like that!:) but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?:) we're excited for baby boy #3 to arrive! i REFUSE to call him rufus!-leaves a bad taste in my mouth:) anyway, welcome back to the blogging world!
congrats on your new addition to be! I am jealous!
See Darcy... working is actually a blessing... you get to escape the craziness! I can't wait to come in Feb! Love you!!
Names: Wolfgang (Wolfie for short of course) Peter? (nice alliteration there) ;)
Jen... thanks for the name suggestions! Definitely will consider those. I'm sure Ory would love them. His ideas today: Spiderman, Avator. Working would be an escape... if I didn't work with kids! They aren't as crazy... but they also aren't as cute! :) I'm SO excited too! It's about time! He he!
Darcy you make me smile! I Loved talking to you the other day. I wish life permitted it more often.
so exciting! you've got the start of your own football team. i love it.
This description was hilarious! Yes, we all have those crazy, fun days. :) I'm with Lynn, Jimmer is so in right now. hahahaha
Congratulations! I did like the name Wyatt when you said it in March. I didn't think of it much until I saw a little boy with that name. It seemed cool. :)
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