Saturday, September 1, 2012


I put myself in time-out!  As I watched my boys throw their dinner (mostly Wyatt), and then smash in into my freshly mopped floor, I started to yell.  Having just recommitted to not yell in my home, I announced that I was going to my room for a time-out! 

Immediately, I felt better.  I hopped onto my bed and just laid there thinking that it might take some coaxing to get me out of time-out.
Just then, I feel a little arm around me and the words, "I love you, mom."
There was Ory.
I had been only been in time-out for about a minute, and he came in to check on me.
He then proceeded to tell me some jokes.
"Why did the duck cross the street? To prove he wasn't chicken! Silly!"
It was a cute moment and one I wanted to record...
As a reminder to me that my children do indeed love me (even though they have been telling me the opposite lately),
That it feels nice to have some one come in and tell you they love you when you are in time-out,
to remember that when I feel like I can't handle them or I'm going to yell, 
it's okay to remove myself... go to time-out, or count to ten, take some deep breaths, whatever it takes.
The faces of my little men aren't going to stay little for very long, and yelling isn't going to teach them. (Cleaning it up would... which is what their dad did. Yay)!


Whitney said...

I love this! I am so giving myself a time out (or maybe a few) this week.

Jenna Rabe said...

So cute! Made tears come to my eyes. What a little sweetheart. You have some amazing little boys... even if they are at times crazy!

The Expatts said...

Great idea Darcy :) Love this post!

Lynn said...

Yep, I'm totally putting myself in time out. Sounds amazing.