Monday, September 10, 2007


Orin has two wonderful families. My mom came to help us and stayed for two weeks! It was such a lifesaver to have her. I drove out toward LA to visit Christine and her family and it was great seeing them. Then last week Shawn and I went up to St. George to surprize his parents... we were both really excited and couldn't wait... Shawn loves surprizing people! Glenna was in on it and we met them at Wingers. When Dixie saw us she was is tears, it was the reaction we were hoping for!! We even made it up to Provo for baby Ifo's blessing, so Orin has now been able to meet everyone on Shawn's side of the family. I had been looking forward to having my sister meet baby Ory and it was so fun to be with her. We are looking forward to next weekend when Orin will meet his grandpa!!!


emilyy said...

You look so beautiful in those pictures. Orin is such a cutie, I can't wait to get my hands on that little guy in a few weeks. I love new babies! Not to leave anyone out, Shawn you look handsome too.

emilyy said...
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Jen said...

Darling pictures! Little Ory is growing up so fast! Please tell me that the name Nana Lana is sticking...I laughed when I saw it!

Lynn said...

Darcy, How do you get your hair to look so beautiful all the time? This is a real question. And I need real answers!

jen said...

i love the pics! i think little ory looks especially stunning in that pink shirt & tie outfit!!! we miss you guys!