My gorgeous sister Jenna opened her mission call today... June 18th she will enter the MTC to serve in the Munich, Germany and Austria mission!! I am extremely excited and proud of my little sister. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but a truly amazing person... I look up to her in so many ways!! She'll be an incredible missionary- and she loves the area. Last year she went on a study abroad to Vienna... so it'll be like going home for her!! Jenna I love you!!
Wow, that's exciting! You know, Brigham's brother is serving in that mission right now, in the office. But, he leaves right before she gets there, bummer. Otherwise I'm sure they would have met. He's loved it there. We spent a lot of time in Austria too, it's absolutely beautiful.
Yeah Jenna! I called my mom today to see if she had heard, but she hadn't, so I'm so glad you posted about it. That is really exciting, she is going to make a really good missionary. Tell her congrats from me.
wow, what a hottie! i'm surprised she wasn't called to temple square :) sounds like it'll be an awesome mission.
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