Ory is 6 months old (last Wednesday... I'm a little behind!) I can't believe this little man has been in my life for half a year already! He is just so much fun and at this point I just love being a mommy! It's amazing to see how much he is changing... he can roll over, is pretty good at sitting up, both his bottom teeth came through, loves to scream (just for fun... my sister jenna thinks it's hilarious!), he's eating baby food (which his uncle matt thought he should have been eating from day 1!), he giggles so much, he loves to smack at things and grab anything in reach, the cutest thing he does is when I pick him up from Melina's he gives me hugs and kisses!! I look forward to that all day long... it makes my heart melt! Can't wait to see what's in store for this little man as he continues to grow!
(we are having a difficulty with napping and putting himself to sleep... any suggestions would be great :)
What a cute picture! You are a great photographer and you have a great subject :). Have you read "Healthy Sleep habits, Happy CHild" by Marc Weissbluth? Its a miracle. I recommend it. He is the reason my kids sleep so well.
darc... just put a little cough syrup in his bottle and bathe him in pure lavender... he'll be out in no time :) jk!
napping can be hard! We had read "baby wise" and started wrapping Blake up tight when he was 6 weeks old and he slept through the night. But, now he has to be wrapped up to sleep. But a small price to pay for 3-4 good naps a day and sleeping through the night. For us it was letting him cry himself to sleep. Hard, but they have to learn to calm themselves down and put themselves to sleep. Good Luck!
I LOVE this picture!! I know I've said it before, but WHAT A CUTIE!! So, my suggestions have both already been mentioned- "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child"and "Babywise" are the two that I use. But yes, you'll have to be ok with letting him cry a little. Give it 3 nights of letting him cry (instead of rushing in to get him) and I promise he'll start putting himself back to sleep! Oh how I wish we lived closer and could get together to chat and have the kids play! :)
fun to see you, your house, baby and Shawn. I enjoyed hanging out sunday!!
Orins baby pics are so sweet I love the angles and I love that he looks and you with endering love.
Have a great weekend!!
heartbreaker! so cute.
gotta love those BIG blue eyes. I can't wait to see you in April.
Do I see a Gap ad in this guy's future?! Or maybe a gig as a pro photographer for his mom?
Just hold him till he goes to sleep. Before you know it he'll be too old and independent! I guess that makes it hard for Melina though :)
It does go fast but it just keeps getting better! Parker is almost 2 years old now. It really is wonderful to be a mom! :) I love that picture of him. He's a cutie!
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