Friday, August 20, 2010

Ring of Fire

After all the hard work... it was time for a "Smarshmellow Party!" (Which has been happening all summer... & we have loved it... we're got Smores galore!)

How do you eat your Smore?
In my case... I am a patient roaster...marshmellows have to be just golden brown & practically falling off the stick.
Of course, there must be a good amount of Hershey's chocolate bar.
(Note: that is not my Smore... I don't do blackened marshmellows!)
After the Smore is constructed, the last step is to put it back on the fire to melt the chocolate. You know you have the perfect Smore if there is chocolate dripping everywhere!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Brick by Brick

Below is Shawn's sketch of our backyard plan.
In April, we decided to work on "phase one" of our backyard: pavers & a fire pit. We hired out some of the digging work to some guys at our church (Shawn didn't have enough time) and here is the before photo:

After the patio area was dug out, we ordered base & bought pavers from Orco block. My dad is amazing, and was in Vegas for business, and drove down to help with all the prep work. Unfortunately, it rained (which is rare here!) and we didn't get as far as we hoped, but he was still very helpful!
See photo below: pavers delivered, Shawn & dad planning:

My dad also helped Shawn with the footing for our "eventual" patio cover.
See Orin in the footing box below (what a cheeseball!):
After the base was laid and compacted, and a layer of sand was laid and compacted, (which was done with MUCH help from AWESOME friends), the "boys" (little & big) got to laying those pavers brick by brick... like I said AWESOME friends.
My boys were a big "help" too... well, not exactly... keep reading!

MEANWHILE, while all the work was going on outside, Orin had some "creative" ideas inside.
Note: that is indeed a CD in Orin's diaper.
He also decided to use my lip gloss as a face paint... let's just say I for one was not much help on the patio... had my hands full!

We definitely couldn't have built our patio without all the AMAZING people in our lives... we are so blessed.
See finished patio below:
Shawn also built a fire pit (we actually found these bricks @ Home Depot for a killer deal, so we decided to make the pit/seating square... but I love it!

We have absolutely LOVED having a place to hang out this summer & have been roasting lots of "smarshmellows" as Ory calls them. Orin has said multiple times that his patio is his favorite place to sit & he loves to tell people how his daddy made him a patio. Shawn did a great job...smores anyone?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Venture Ventura

After a little over a week of our potty training endeavor, I loaded up the boys and
we headed to Ventura (Shawn stayed to study).
Orin loves his cousin Randy and was so excited to get to go & stay at his house.
Here were our highlights:
*Riding to their pool in a wagon... a first for my kids. Oh the joys of begin a kid
(reminds me of our trips to Kings Island, I think my brother Jake was like 10 years old riding in the wagon!)
*Swimming. Their pool rocks. It has a large ledge for the kids to walk on, one for the little ones to sit on & a hot tub! I felt like I was at a resort.
*Noodle fights!
*Walking to the park... well until both boys pooped their pants! Still working on that potty training thing!
*Watching movies (The Fox and the Hound- a classic) and eating delicious snacks- worms in dirt pudding & popcorn (Brody enjoyed eating all the seeds!)
*Being at the beach. This summer my boys are at a much better age for beach going- they both walk & have no desire to eat sand or go in the water alone (Brody hates cold water-he gets it from his Papa & mama! & Orin's actually a little scared of the waves-kind of a surprise) which makes the beach a vast sand box for them and paradise for me!
(pic taken with phone... note blur-kind of like it... no desire to load children & camera)

(Isn't Callie the cutest thing ever! Love the chub!)
*Cafe Rio! What! That's right it's hit Cali & we went two nights in a row (thanks Randy & Ashley). I was totally spoiled!
I swear they put some sort of drug in there pork salad... yum! There's just something about the mix of the sweet pork, cilantro lime dressing, melted cheese homemade tortilla- okay- now I'm totally crazing it.
Totally brings back memories of living in Provo & going there with great friends. Love the Rio!
We have so much fun and can't wait to venture back!

Monday, August 16, 2010

It's Potty Time!

There were two things that I had on my "mommy do list" for the summer, so the day after school was out I...

1. Took away Brody's bottle (which was pretty much his only source of nutrition-quite frustrating!)

Note: Brody did so well adjusting. I was shocked.
(photo taken just a few days before I swipe the bottle... he he he!)

2. Potty Train Ory (definitely tired of changing TWO sets of diapers! yuck!)

After seeking some advice from my sister-in-law Ashley (who had just conquered potty training Randy), I made Orin a potty training chart & he wanted to earn a trip to cousin Randy's house!
Each successful trip to the can, meant he got to move his little car closer to his best bud's house & he loved that he was driving!
We definitely had some bumps "on the road" and well, it's been 2 months and there are still "bumps" but he's sporting those BIG BOY underwear well...

(this was the reaction I got when I asked Orin to show me his big boy underwear... look out!)

Here are some things I have learned from these two experiences:
1. Never leave Ory alone on the toilet
2. It takes a long time for them to actually TELL you they have to go (still waiting for that!)
3. Never leave home without some spare attire
4. Having a kid go in the toilet is SOO much better... but only if they make it there!
5. I often expect these changes to be quite hard, but I think sometimes it's the parent that has the hardest time making the adjustment!

Any tricks when potty training your kids?
**Post Edit: forgot to include some of the funny things that Orin does: he loves being told stories (almost always include these elements: super hero orin, dragons, castles, swords, & ropes... sometimes mommy, daddy & Brody) while he's sitting on the pot & he usually describes his poo- sick yet funny... usually they are meatballs, snakes, but sometimes you get the random turtle or shark!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

6 years

June 5th
{I realize it's now August, but I figure I'll try to catch-up seasonally... first up, Summer 2010!}
Shawn and I celebrated SIX years of marriage!
Six things I LOVE about Shawn:

1. He is incredibly thoughtful & generous
{he always makes sure to have your favorite soda if you come over & making or getting things for others}

2. He is forgiving... never holds a grudge... ever!
{usually he has to forgive me for something on a daily basis}

3. He is patient & understanding
{hardly ever loses his tempter or loses control... which is impressive with our "spunky" boys & his crazy wife!}

4. He is very complimentary
{he makes me feel like the most beautiful women ever & is always telling the boys, "Isn't mommy pretty!"}

5. He is a true friend
{to me & to others... he never hesitates to help someone who needs it}

6. He is devoted
{to his family-his boys LOVE him... to me... to the gospel of Jesus Christ... the list goes on & on...}

We were lucky enough to have family in town to celebrate with. Our highlights were:
The Cherry Festival Parade
I snuck away to buy Shawn some much needed sunglasses... and was able to make a much needed trip to the salon to get my hair done!

We share our anniversary with Shawn's boss, and it just so happened to be their 40th wedding anniversary....
we got to spend our anniversary @ Morton's steakhouse! Which included family,
(Mason & Melina, Randy & Dixie, Ashley & Randy, & even Christine & Brigham whose anniversary is the day before ours!),
friends, and AMAZING food...
it was the perfect night!
I LOVE you Shawn!
{thanks Crissa for helping me accessorize my outfit & Carrie for babysitting!}