June 5th
{I realize it's now August, but I figure I'll try to catch-up seasonally... first up, Summer 2010!}
Shawn and I celebrated SIX years of marriage!

Six things I LOVE about Shawn:
1. He is incredibly thoughtful & generous
{he always makes sure to have your favorite soda if you come over & making or getting things for others}
2. He is forgiving... never holds a grudge... ever!
{usually he has to forgive me for something on a daily basis}
3. He is patient & understanding
{hardly ever loses his tempter or loses control... which is impressive with our "spunky" boys & his crazy wife!}
4. He is very complimentary
{he makes me feel like the most beautiful women ever & is always telling the boys, "Isn't mommy pretty!"}
5. He is a true friend
{to me & to others... he never hesitates to help someone who needs it}
6. He is devoted
{to his family-his boys LOVE him... to me... to the gospel of Jesus Christ... the list goes on & on...}
We were lucky enough to have family in town to celebrate with. Our highlights were:
The Cherry Festival Parade
I snuck away to buy Shawn some much needed sunglasses... and was able to make a much needed trip to the salon to get my hair done!
We share our anniversary with Shawn's boss, and it just so happened to be their 40th wedding anniversary....
(Mason & Melina, Randy & Dixie, Ashley & Randy, & even Christine & Brigham whose anniversary is the day before ours!),
friends, and AMAZING food...
it was the perfect night!
I LOVE you Shawn!

{thanks Crissa for helping me accessorize my outfit & Carrie for babysitting!}
oh my goodness...what a sweet post. and i have to agree with all the wonderful things you said about shawn. you guys are adorable, and have an adorable family. i'm so glad we finally got to see you! :)
How fun! Darcy you look absolutely amazing in that picture of you and shawn. Love that striped top!
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