After a little over a week of our potty training endeavor, I loaded up the boys and
we headed to Ventura (Shawn stayed to study).
Orin loves his cousin Randy and was so excited to get to go & stay at his house.
Here were our highlights:
*Riding to their pool in a wagon... a first for my kids. Oh the joys of begin a kid
(reminds me of our trips to Kings Island, I think my brother Jake was like 10 years old riding in the wagon!)
*Swimming. Their pool rocks. It has a large ledge for the kids to walk on, one for the little ones to sit on & a hot tub! I felt like I was at a resort.
*Noodle fights!
*Walking to the park... well until both boys pooped their pants! Still working on that potty training thing!
*Watching movies (The Fox and the Hound- a classic) and eating delicious snacks- worms in dirt pudding & popcorn (Brody enjoyed eating all the seeds!)
*Being at the beach. This summer my boys are at a much better age for beach going- they both walk & have no desire to eat sand or go in the water alone (Brody hates cold water-he gets it from his Papa & mama! & Orin's actually a little scared of the waves-kind of a surprise) which makes the beach a vast sand box for them and paradise for me!
(pic taken with phone... note blur-kind of like it... no desire to load children & camera)

(Isn't Callie the cutest thing ever! Love the chub!)
*Cafe Rio! What! That's right it's hit Cali & we went two nights in a row (thanks Randy & Ashley). I was totally spoiled!
I swear they put some sort of drug in there pork salad... yum! There's just something about the mix of the sweet pork, cilantro lime dressing, melted cheese homemade tortilla- okay- now I'm totally crazing it.
Totally brings back memories of living in Provo & going there with great friends. Love the Rio!
We have so much fun and can't wait to venture back!

1 comment:
Well WE had a blast too :) So when ARE you guys going to "Venture" back here? Anytime is a good time :)
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