Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm too sexy...

Ory does these funny little poses now... he loves tub time and generally gets me soaked from his tsunami splashes!


Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

oh those are so cute!! It's nice that you have a little poser!! I love it!

Forsythe said...

so precious, he has the most beautiful big eyes, no wonder you love to take pictures of him!

Fong said...

Adam said that Orin is cute. That's a lot coming from him.

emilyy said...

I think we found Ory his future career in modeling. What a cutie!!! I can't wait to see you guys next month.

Anonymous said...

awww i wish you guys lived closer!!! he is so cute darc!! you really set the standard for cute kids in our family... great. love you both!

The Expatts said...

So cute, Darcy! You take such good pics and little Ory is the perfect model!

Can't wait till next week!!!

P.S. I'm "tagging" you. Go to my blog for details! :) You're IT!

Unknown said...

He has such gorgeous eyes! What a little cutie.

Brittany said...

so cute...I love the hands behind the head!!

Gloua said...

he is the most precious thing ever!

Moon family said...

That is too cute! He is totally photogenic!